Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Iinformation about Tigers

 Tigers are the Royal animals..............


Tigers are immensively strong animals. They eat both herbivorous and carnivorous both.Sambhar and deer are their main prey species.tigers are fond of water and are strong swimmers.They have a life expectancy ranging from 15 - 20 years. A tigress can give birth upto 2-6 cubs.


Tigers habitat is forest although they can also be found in  swamp margins and grassland. They require sufficient cover,  a constant water supply and a good population of large prey.

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Monday, 10 October 2011


Tigers are the National Animal of India. And the Bengal Tigers is a tiger subspeceis of  native of Nepal, India and Bhutan.  Tigers are immensely powerful. Its front legs and paws are tremendously  strong, which will help them to attack on its target.

Tiger Safari in India

Corbett National Park,

Kanha National  Park,


We will continuously publish posts on tigers pictures, tiger facts, endangered tigers, white tigers, lions, siberian tigers, information on tigers, tigers habitat.